En Smakebit På Søndag #15
Nå for tiden hører jeg på en engelsk lydbok. Boken er Horns skrevet av Joe Hill og lest av Fred Berman. Smakebiten jeg har valgt er tatt helt fra begynnelsen av boken. “Ignatius Martin Perrish spent the night drunk and doing terrible things. He woke the next morning with a headache, put his hands to his temples, and felt something unfamiliar, a pair of knobby pointed protuberances. He was so ill--wet-eyed and weak--he didn't think anything of it at first, was too hungover for thinking or worry. But when he was swaying above the toilet, he glanced at himself in the mirror over the sink and saw he had grown horns while he slept. He lurched in surprise, and for the second time in twelve hours he pissed on his feet.” Flere smakebiter finner du hos Mari