En smakebit på søndag #1
Det er mange som pleier å leser krim i påsken, jeg har aldri vært en av dem. Det har vel skjedd en gang eller to, men jeg leser generelt lite krim og pleier ikke å plukke opp en krimroman bare fordi det er påske.
Boken jeg har valgt min første smakebit fra er ikke noen typisk påske-krim bok, men kan kanskje settes under kategorien krimlitteratur da det forekommer et mord og en etterforskning.
Boken heter House Rules og er skrevet av Jodi Picoult.
På baksiden av boken:
Jacob Hunt is a teen with Asperger’s syndrome. He’s hopeless at reading social cues or expressing himself well to others, though he is brilliant in many ways. But he has a special focus on one subject—forensic analysis. A police scanner in his room clues him in to crime scenes, and he’s always showing up and telling the cops what to do. And he’s usually right.
But when Jacob’s small hometown is rocked by a terrible murder, law enforcement comes to him. Jacob’s behaviors are hallmark Asperger’s, but they look a lot like guilt to the local police. Suddenly the Hunt family, who only want to fit in, are directly in the spotlight. For Jacob’s mother, Emma, it’s a brutal reminder of the intolerance and misunderstanding that always threaten her family. For his brother, Theo, it’s another indication why nothing is normal because of Jacob.
And over this small family, the soul-searing question looms: Did Jacob commit murder?
Jeg har ikke kommet så langt i boken enda, men liker boken veldig godt så langt. Fortellingen fortelles fra flere personers synspunkt, noe som kanskje kan gjøre det litt vanskelig å henge med da det hele tiden skiftes mellom fortellere, men jeg synes det i denne sammenhengen gir godt innblikk i de forskjellige karakterenes tanker og en bedre forståelse av hendelsene.
Smakebit (fra mor Emmas synspunkt):
"In my mind, Asperger's a label to describe not the traits Jacob has but rather the ones he lost. It was somtime around two years old when he began to drop words, to stop making eye contact, to avoid connections with people. He couldn't hear us, or he didn't want to. One day I looked at him, lying on the floor beside a Tonka truck. He was spinning its wheels, his face only inches away, and I thought, Where have you gone? "
"There's a lot of fuss about whether or not Asperger's is on the autism spectrum, but to be honest, it doesn't matter. It's a term we use to get Jacob the accommodations he needs in school, not a label to explain who he is. If you met him now, the first thing you'd notice is that he might have forgotten to change his shirt from yesterday or to brush his hair. If you talk to him, you'll have to be the one to start the conversation. He won't look you in the eye. And if you pause to speak to somone else for a brief monent, you might turn back to find that Jacob's left the room."
Boken jeg har valgt min første smakebit fra er ikke noen typisk påske-krim bok, men kan kanskje settes under kategorien krimlitteratur da det forekommer et mord og en etterforskning.
Boken heter House Rules og er skrevet av Jodi Picoult.
På baksiden av boken:
Jacob Hunt is a teen with Asperger’s syndrome. He’s hopeless at reading social cues or expressing himself well to others, though he is brilliant in many ways. But he has a special focus on one subject—forensic analysis. A police scanner in his room clues him in to crime scenes, and he’s always showing up and telling the cops what to do. And he’s usually right.
But when Jacob’s small hometown is rocked by a terrible murder, law enforcement comes to him. Jacob’s behaviors are hallmark Asperger’s, but they look a lot like guilt to the local police. Suddenly the Hunt family, who only want to fit in, are directly in the spotlight. For Jacob’s mother, Emma, it’s a brutal reminder of the intolerance and misunderstanding that always threaten her family. For his brother, Theo, it’s another indication why nothing is normal because of Jacob.
And over this small family, the soul-searing question looms: Did Jacob commit murder?
Jeg har ikke kommet så langt i boken enda, men liker boken veldig godt så langt. Fortellingen fortelles fra flere personers synspunkt, noe som kanskje kan gjøre det litt vanskelig å henge med da det hele tiden skiftes mellom fortellere, men jeg synes det i denne sammenhengen gir godt innblikk i de forskjellige karakterenes tanker og en bedre forståelse av hendelsene.
Smakebit (fra mor Emmas synspunkt):
"In my mind, Asperger's a label to describe not the traits Jacob has but rather the ones he lost. It was somtime around two years old when he began to drop words, to stop making eye contact, to avoid connections with people. He couldn't hear us, or he didn't want to. One day I looked at him, lying on the floor beside a Tonka truck. He was spinning its wheels, his face only inches away, and I thought, Where have you gone? "
"There's a lot of fuss about whether or not Asperger's is on the autism spectrum, but to be honest, it doesn't matter. It's a term we use to get Jacob the accommodations he needs in school, not a label to explain who he is. If you met him now, the first thing you'd notice is that he might have forgotten to change his shirt from yesterday or to brush his hair. If you talk to him, you'll have to be the one to start the conversation. He won't look you in the eye. And if you pause to speak to somone else for a brief monent, you might turn back to find that Jacob's left the room."
Tack för smakbiten. Den här boken blev jag verkligen intresserad av!
SvarSlettSå bra :-)
SlettKjempe god smakebit og innlegg! Veldig, veldig god Smakebit på en søndag-debut :-D
SvarSlettTusen takk :-) Var spent på om jeg kom til å få til et greit innlegg. Moro da :-)
SvarSlettOh, vilken mersmak jag fick :) Skriver upp den här på listan!
SvarSlettFlott =) Håper du kommer til å like den =)
SlettDenne boken har jeg hørt om. Ble mer nysgjerrig nå.
SvarSlettDen virker spennende og anderledes.
Takk for smakebiten! :)
Så moro at flere blir nysgjerrige =) Håper den faller i smak.
SlettVirker som en spennende bok! Takk for smakebiten :)