En Smakebit På Søndag #22
Det er ca tre måneder siden min siste smakebit så nå er det jaggu på tide. Ikke har jeg skrevet en bokanmeldelse på lenge heller. Noe av grunnen er at jeg holder på å lese hele samlingen av Sherlock Holmes, noe som tar ganske lang tid da det er over 1400 sider. Enda lenger tid tar det selvsagt når en bruker meste av tiden på å se film og serier i stedet for å lese :-P
Smakebiten denne gangen ert fra boken The 5th Wave skrevet av Rick Yancey. Først litt om boken (tatt fra baksiden av boken):
After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one.
Now, it's the dawn of the 5th wave, and on a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs from Them. The beings who only look human, who roam the countryside killing anyone they see. Who have scattered Earth's last survivors. To stay alone is to stay alive, Cassie believes, until she meets Evan Walker. Beguiling and mysterious, Evan Walker may be Cassie's only hope for rescuing her brother--or even saving herself. But Cassie must choose: between trust and despair, between defiance and surrender, between life and death. To give up or to get up.
Forsiden av boken

Smakebit (Kapittel 1):
I'm not talking about real aliens. The Others aren't stupid. The Others are so far ahead of us, it's like comparing the dumbest human to the smartest dog. No contest.
No, I'm talking about the aliens inside our own heads.
The ones we made up, the ones we've been making up since we realized those glittering lights in the sky were suns like ours and probably had planets like ours spinning around them. You know, the aliens we imagine, the kind of aliens we'd like to attack us, human aliens. You've seen them a million times. They swoop down from the sky in their flying saucers to level New York and Tokyo and London, or they march across the countryside in huge machines that looks like mechanical spiders, ray guns blasting away, and always, always, humanity sets aside it's differences and bands together to defeat the alien horde. David slays Goliath, and everybody (except Goliath) goes home happy.
What crap.
It's like a cockroach working up a plan to defeat the shoe on it's way down to crush it.
There's no way to know for sure, but I bet the Others knew about the human aliens we'd imagined. And I bet they thought it was funny as hell. They must have laughed their asses off. If they have a sense of humor... or asses. They must have laughed the way we laugh when a dog does something cute and dorky. Oh, those cute, dorky humans! They think we think like they do! Isn't that adorable?
I'm not talking about real aliens. The Others aren't stupid. The Others are so far ahead of us, it's like comparing the dumbest human to the smartest dog. No contest.
No, I'm talking about the aliens inside our own heads.
The ones we made up, the ones we've been making up since we realized those glittering lights in the sky were suns like ours and probably had planets like ours spinning around them. You know, the aliens we imagine, the kind of aliens we'd like to attack us, human aliens. You've seen them a million times. They swoop down from the sky in their flying saucers to level New York and Tokyo and London, or they march across the countryside in huge machines that looks like mechanical spiders, ray guns blasting away, and always, always, humanity sets aside it's differences and bands together to defeat the alien horde. David slays Goliath, and everybody (except Goliath) goes home happy.
What crap.
It's like a cockroach working up a plan to defeat the shoe on it's way down to crush it.
There's no way to know for sure, but I bet the Others knew about the human aliens we'd imagined. And I bet they thought it was funny as hell. They must have laughed their asses off. If they have a sense of humor... or asses. They must have laughed the way we laugh when a dog does something cute and dorky. Oh, those cute, dorky humans! They think we think like they do! Isn't that adorable?
Jag har funderat på om jag ska läsa den innan jag ser filmen eller inte. Har inte bestämt mig ännu. :) Tack för smakbiten.
SvarSlettDu har en stund å fundere over det enda ;-)
Sletttack för smakebiten! känner igen författarnamnet, men har inte läst något av Rick Yancey
SvarSlettDette er det første jeg har lest av Yancey, så det var noe nytt =)
SlettDen här gillade jag mycket. Nu väntar jag bara på filmen :)
SvarSlettBra =) Sitter bare å venter på filmen nå jeg også.
SlettTack för smakbiten!
SvarSlettVærsågod =)
SlettDen här vill jag verkligen läsa. Tack för smakbiten.
SvarSlettDa er det bare å sette i gang ;-)
SlettTack för smakbiten!
SvarSlettVærsågod =)
SlettTyckte om den här, speciellt det som smakprovet beskriver - att aliens kanske inte alls fungerar så som vi tror...
SvarSlettJa, det likte jeg også. Boken fenget allerede der ;-)
SlettDen här boken gillade jag, ska bli kul och se filmen!
SvarSlettSå moro =) Likte den godt jeg og, så nå er jeg spent på filmen.
SlettJeg blir fort vekk vast av TV. Skal bare se det og det og noen programmer i en serie på Netflix. Og så er dagen over. Det er bedre når jeg setter meg ned å leser fra begynnelsen av. Da får jeg lest da :-) Ha en fin uke!
SvarSlettAkkurat det samme her ja! "Bare en til..." :-P